In the design of modern technologies and commodities that are used on a daily basis, one of the most popular construction methods involves joining two metals together. Thanks to the advancements of science and engineering, dissimilar metals can be joined together to create high-strength joints that are later used as parts in the creation of industrial products. There are many methods that exist for the joining of metals, each with their own unique strengths that make them more appropriate than others for specific situations. This article will discuss metal brazing, how it is done, and how it is applied in the 21st century to common products and industries that people use on a daily basis.
How Does Metal Brazing Work?
Metal brazing can be defined as the act of joining two or more metal items together through the use of a melted filler metal placed in the joint between the metals. This filler metal chosen has a lower melting point than the metals chosen, and fills in the gap between the metals by capillary action. Once the filler metal is equally distributed on the intersection point between the metals, the temperature is cooled down so that the metals are joined together. Metal brazing does not require that the metals being joined are melted prior to fixing them together, which makes it different from other metal-joining processes such as soldering and welding.
There are a wide variety of ways to perform metal brazing that will involve using different forms of heating and different types of techniques depending on the metals that are being joined together. The melting temperature can be adjusted to avoid any distortion of the joining metals, while maximizing the interaction between the filler metal and the joining metals. It could also be adjusted if the mentioned conditions are met while achieving superior results in terms of strength and durability.
What Products Are Made by Brazing?
It is initially difficult to see how brazing can serve as a useful industrial process if one is unfamiliar with how things are built in the 21st century. Thanks to the ease of automating the brazing process and its high level of cost effectiveness, it is very often used in the mass production of industrial products that involve the complex assembly of multiple parts. In particular, the aerospace and automotive industries are known for using this process in manufacturing parts that are later used to assemble their vehicles and tools. In the plumbing industry, brazing is used to fasten together pipes and construct radiators. This technique allows these items to withstand high levels of pressure and heat without any distortion or loss in function. Last but not least, brazing can also be used to build bicycles through the design of their frames and rims.
There are many Metal Brazing Companies in the market today. Hi-Temp Brazing started to torch braze in 1974 to offer services for clients. There are three commonly used forms of brazing; manual, machine, and automatic.