Preparing for an Initial Visit with Your Family Dentist in St George UT

by | Dec 5, 2014 | Business Services

Seeing a Family Dentist St George UT on a regular basis for needed treatments and preventive check-ups is a positive way to enhance your oral health. If you have not seen a dentist in a while, it’s advisable to choose one to start taking care of your teeth. By learning what to expect during a first-time visit, you can make the appointment more productive and less stressful.

While each Family Dentist St George UT has his own protocols for conducting office visits, most dentists include certain procedures to gives patients comprehensive dental care. An initial dental visit will usually start with a consultation and end with the examination. During the consultation, the patient should inform the dentist of any fears she has regarding dental care. The dentist may be able to alter his treatments to ease the patient’s fears.

A patient should also disclose her full medical and dental histories. Include any present diagnoses. Also, a patient should tell the dentist any medications she is taking the reasons for taking the medications. This will help prevent being prescribed a medication twice. In addition, a patient should reveal any known allergens, especially ones like latex or penicillin. This will help prevent coming into contact with such substances during a visit.

During the examination, the dentist will check out the areas surrounding the patient’s mouth. This includes the head, neck, temporomandibular (jaw) joint, salivary glands, and lymph nodes. The dentist will assess for signs of dental disease by looking for redness, swellings, lesions, and lumps. A dentist will inspect the interior of a patient’s mouth for lesions, redness, presence of bodily discharges such as pus and blood, and swellings. A clinical examination will be performed on teeth. The dentist will look at the soft tissues of the mouth including the gums. X-rays and other tests may be performed to get a look at the internal parts of the mouth.

Getting your mouth looked at can help prevent the progression of dental disease. For more information on dental services, please Visit Site of Hatch & Jeppson Dental. These professionals can handle most forms of dental care.

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