Swimming Pool Algae: How To Get Rid Of The Molecular Mischief

by | Oct 31, 2014 | Swimming Pools and Spas

Algae are a very important part of the planets ecosystem. They feed the small fish, which is eaten by bigger fish. Then, a fisherman catches the bigger fish, and it is eaten by humans. The fact is, these microscopic plants keep the planet’s oceans and seas alive. Unfortunately, they sometimes end up where they do not belong—swimming pools.

Pool owners abhor algae because they use the sun’s heat to make their own food and in the process release waste, which would cause bacteria levels in the water to grow. Putting an end to algae growth in the pool also helps keep the pool free of water borne pathogens. Uncontrolled algae also cause the water in the pool to smell stale and discolored. For this reason, owners of swimming pools are scrambling for the best way to control their pools algae population.

Getting Rid of Algae

One of the common ways to get rid of algae is by super chlorinating or chlorine shocking. This means huge amounts of chlorine are added to the pool in order for the chlorine level to reach very high in a short span of time. This will effectively kill any organic life present in the water including algae. However, shocking is not enough, there should also be a way to keep the algae from growing again. Making sure that the water acidity is balanced and that there is around 1.0 ppm of chlorine in the pool is a good way of ensuring that algae spores, which fall into the pool from the air, will not be able to grow.

Chlorination is not the only way to keep swimming pools free from algae. Using alternative techniques like copper ionization water treatment also helps control algae growth. Ozone treatment of water is also becoming popular as a way to control not only algae, but every single pathogen in the water as well. Another option is installing a salt water system in the pool. It would be a good idea too for someone who owns a pool to read more articles like this in order to equip them with knowledge.

To prevent uncontrolled algae growth, a pool owner must always be checking and testing the water. That way, problems can be resolved before they become bigger. When signs of algae growth are detected, action should be done immediately. Do not wait for it to get worse before taking necessary steps.

No one wants to swim in a pool infested with algae and bacteria. They can cause a wide range of health issues ranging from itchiness to the more serious diseases like e.coli. It is the duty of the person who owns the swimming pool to ensure that his customers are protected from the dangers of water-borne pathogens.

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